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i-Image STE

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I'm having trouble in ripping file in .eps format. I supplied a block image with a overprint font, but it came out as a reverse in i-Image. Please help me out in dealing with this kind of problem, most of our artwork has a block image underneath. Any suggestion will be appreciated.  Thank you in advance :)

You've come to the right place. :)

I need to ask,  is the block representing garment color or is it part of a background art?

I assume your are saying that the font came out knocking out of the background when you wanted the background as solid correct?
Try telling both elements to overprint.

The block is not a garment color, it's part of the artwork.
I supplied a .AI file (.eps format), I have a block artwork in the layers, but in i-Image it automatically reversing the font on the block background.
What should I do? is there any technique that you can share with me to avoid this from happening?

Thank you so much :)

I think something is lost in translation. Review the attached image above and see how your artwork is set up. Make sure to tell each art element to overprint. (Select the item, then go to windows, Attributes...and select the FILL check box). Do this for the bottom box art also.

Thank you so much Dottonedan.
I checked the overprint before saving the file and now it's not reversing automatically after rip.  :)


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