What we could use much more than an auto sep program is a better way to view channel separations. I find the way spot channels view in PS extremely limiting to say the least- low % areas that you can't see on screen but will image, solidity not showing true opacity especially with black and dark colors, lack of blend modes to simulate overprinting and blending, etc.
That and a way to get a quick and accurate halftone preview, we currently have to take our tiff rips and convert them over to grey scale channels and stack them up in rgb as alpha channels, reassign colors and mess with opacity in order to get a preview that is vaguely accurate on critical jobs.
Reading coverage levels is handled with an astute plug in and in acrobat but it's still clunky although the inkquest temperature style map is the jam.
Is there anything out there that allows a more accurate view/preview? I thought I had heard of something called iris perhaps, that netseps utilizes?