Okay, the existing shop is "Interior Ink Works" the new second shop will be "Westside Inkworks" I want some common elements in the logo to tie them together (the ink jug and font "Bauhaus md bt" and medium blue/black) I want it to be a bit "cool" without being over the top, the new showroom will be "Industrial Loft" in feel/look, The attached .pdf has the two logos I currently use at the top, and three works in process at the bottom, I'm liking the bottom one so far but it's perhaps not quite "there" yet. Input? ideas? Sorry in advance for the mix of outlines and such in the file, I'll clean it up to a perfect vector once I get the look right. We'll be doing a run of 3-400 free giveaway "Westside" shirts as an opening promotion with only the word "Westside" on the front and probably a small sleeve print identifying the company, but the idea is the shirts to be primarily a promotion of the location/area for the residents,..... that just happens to get them in the front door for their free shirt....
Thanks in advance for any input!