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How to print thumbnails from clipart CDs

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If the eps has a thumbnail attached to it, shouldn't that be a tiff file?
I've never heard of an eps file also having an eps thumbnail ............but then again I'm not Adobe savvy, so what do I know???

ole jobe:
Thanks, MK. The Oberion download is working. Looks like about 30 min. to do the entire disc but I've got time.
CY, I have Corel x4. I just don't know a whole lot.

The thumbnail creator that comes free with EVERY version of Corel will do the same thing
Alex made both macros

It's right in your macro folder in X4

Diane, so glad to see you here, but look, you're about four hours late! lol  ;D

story of my life, Andy
a day late and a bunch of dollars short

I'm not even sure that I posted correct information
I've got to get back into practice, huh?


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