Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
We don't choke or trap our highlite whites. They line up exact.We only choke our base whites so the top color covers the white base so no "layers" appear. For us that is .5 pt.If you can't keep registration that tightly, check your tensions/pressures/press level etc...
1st of all I would pray it was a light blue shirt so I wouldn't need a highlight white. If a highlight was needed, I would do as follows:I would choke the black so that there would be a small gutter between it and the ub. I'd also put a small gutter between the red and highlight white by putting an outside not middle stroke on the red.Using good wet on wet inks such as wilflex I'd print in this order.BlackUbFlashCool downRedHighlightI'm not going to lie, I'd be using a second flash here. I'm sure there are many here with better advice. Forgive my iPhone typing.