Author Topic: Floriani Total Control™ Digitizing Software Offers New Fonts, Sequins  (Read 1633 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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Floriani Total Control™ offered by Floriani Commercial Embroidery, has recently been upgraded with new features and tools. This powerful program can now digitize for sequins and has some new fonts.

A total of 11 new fonts have been added. These include CurlyQ, Greek Hero, Jester Pro, Lindsay Monogram, Mini Jag Bold, Angelic Curls, Formal Monogram, Mini Lancer Script, Mini Serif, and Ribbon Love.

Other great features of this versatile program include magic wand segmented auto digitizing, custom motif patterns, custom appliqué designs, and 3D views.

Floriani Total Control will work with any make or model of embroidery machine. It is designed to work on a PC, but can be modified to work on Mac. Training includes a workbook that walks newcomers through the basic functions of the program as well as a complete manual that will be available as part of the software as a handy onboard reference guide to answer any question.

Additional training will be available via Webinars and at regularly scheduled three-day Intensive Training Clinics held at the RNK facility in Knoxville. For a demo version, go to the Web site at

For more information about Floriani Commercial Product’s full line of stabilizers, threads, and more, go to or call 865-549-5115.