Author Topic: Dryer blowing fuse on startup  (Read 990 times)

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Dryer blowing fuse on startup
« on: September 19, 2016, 11:54:44 AM »
Well we finally figured out that the belt speed issue on our dryer is voltage related, and have some boost transformers scheduled to be installed this week.  And of course four days before that is scheduled to happen, the dryer stops turning on.   

Electrician can't get to the shop until tomorrow, so I'm doing some testing in the meantime and trying to get things running again.  I've isolated the issue to a single 4A fuse.  Here's how things have played out so far.

Last week, dryer runs fine without issue.  This morning, dryer starts up and cuts out as soon as the flame switch is turned on.  It would also appear that a separate breaker tripped in our offices at the same time, on a completely separate panel.  Looking inside the dryer, I noticed one of the small breakers had tripped so I flipped it back on, started the dryer again and within a second it shut down.  Tested the 4A midget fuse directly to the right of the small breaker and it was gone.  Purchased more fuses, and blew three more in the same fashion.

I also tested the power coming into the building, as well as the power coming into the dryer, and all appears to be no different than usual.

I'm waiting for a callback from Robert @ Hirsch who has been helpful in the past but would like to get things back up and running ASAP.  Any help or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated.

Squeegee Science
Fort Lauderdale, FL