screen printing > 4 Color and Simulated Process Printing
Is 4CP possible out of Corel X4?
I have a customer that sent me this image that he wants printed and from what I can tell this is just right for 4CP. I have never done it before and would like to try it to get it under my belt and the customer (friend) is understanding that this would be my first time doing a print like this and I will probably discount them if they dont come out good and he is cool with the whole deal and so am I if I lose money on the deal which I most likely will as I need the screens and ink regardless. My question is could I do this out of X4, I know I will have to get a RIP. I know when I go to seperations in the program it gives the option to print cmyk, so can it be done?
If you have a postscript printer, you can print directly from the Separations area. Just ensure you set the dot pitch in the Postscript area and then in the Postscript options in Priner Setup change the sreen Freq to Application. If you have a RIP, let the RIP separate it.
I print out of an Epson 1400 without a rip, I will have to get one.
Ummmm, I thought I sent you one.......
However, Ghost will not separate it per se. If the art is CMYK in Coreldraw, just output each piece (C M Y K) to a postscript file (in the instructions) and then open each file in Ghost to print to film. Voila!
Add Registration marks in Corel using the "Registration" Color Palette so it puts the reg marks on all 4 pieces at the same time.
I am still messin around with Ghost and figuring it out.
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