Hi everyone, question for you: has anyone else run into screen stretching wrenches breaking on them?
We broke our M3 wrench while leveling out a screen. Had it on the stretching table and was applying force down toward the table to level the screen when the wrench's smaller, weaker side broke. We're applying force in the proper direction on the wrench (same direction as funny jpg).
https://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads//2013/03/howtocrescent.jpgI know stretching designs their wrenches to be lightweight and I assume have made them using the same/similar materials forever, but wondering if my guy (who's big) just applied too much force, or if its been an issue with their wrenches. Meaning, do I need to monitor how much force he's using when a bolt won't move? I feel this wrench should be able to hold more than what broke it.