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DIY Vacuum Pallet for M&R
--- Quote from: mimosatexas on July 21, 2016, 12:43:27 PM ---That is a major downside, but ear plugs are a quick and easy "fix". I'm not sure I know of an option that is fast enough for production and quiet, regardless of price.
--- End quote ---
What do the commercial units use? When I ran a flatbed press years ago, I don't remember a deafening roar. In fact, I can't even imagine what it would have been like in my first shop with seven or eight presses running with big shop vacs!
Both of my clamshells are pretty loud. They aren't shopvac loud, but they are also enclosed in the base of the press. You could build a box around the shopvac to dampen the noise.
Plumb it out somewhere else... Just like an air compressor.
Whole home vacuums put their unit in the garage and that is one of the reasons.
Some pvc and a relay and you've removed almost all the noise.
Sent from my LG-H811 using Tapatalk
Put it outside in an enclosure and plumb it in with rigid pvc or the like....or get out the chequebook,:
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