Hey everyone!
We wanted to extend a special invitation to you. We are hoping that some of you may be in need of some fabric panels today and that you would be willing to give our new web store a quick run through to get them. If you would like to get started in the store today, please visit
http://shur-loc.mysimplestore.com/productsOnce you are there, you can place an order for any of the active Premium Fabric Panels and get 15% off your order when you use coupon code CHECKMEOUT15 at checkout. A $25 minimum purchase applies to this coupon code. This coupon is good for orders placed 6/23 and 6/24 only!
There's still plenty of work to be done, but we want to make sure that everything we have so far is working before we get too much further into adding items and other products. Please feel free to email
ron@shurloc.com with any issues you may encounter and any additional items you would like to see added immediately.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing an order from you soon!