Author Topic: Joe Clarke Ink Transfer Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics July 29-30, 2016  (Read 8881 times)

Offline GKitson

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Here is the registration information for the Joe Clarke Ink Transfer Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics July 29-30 in Decatur IN, sorry about the delay.

 I hope everyone has been as busy as Mind's Eye has been for the last month.

Submit your registration to along with any questions.

If you can't make this event suggest another date as I am sure we will have a repeat.


Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline bimmridder

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Well I was hoping to make this session. Maybe next time. I also noted in the registration that Greg and Joe "reserve the right to respectfully decline registrations on an individual basis", so I likely would not have been allowed anyway.

Seriously, this is going to be one very eye opening workshop. I've been fortunate to have seen some of the information that will be shared, and it is nothing short of wonderful. Go. Be a sponge and benefit from two excellent speakers. Maybe I'll make the next one.
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline GKitson

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Info is now up at and will be referenced on FaceBook later this morning, we received several registrations last night and will be processing later today.

Looks like a sell out, I gotta buy more chairs.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2016, 07:34:33 AM by GKitson »
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline jvanick

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you just received another ;)  Tiffany and I are looking forward to it.

Offline AntonySharples

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Thanks for not moving the date Greg.... ;)

It sucks I can't be there due to a trade show we are doing, but I will be most likely skyping in to say hi to everyone.

Offline Colleen C. Lynch

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Well I was hoping to make this session. Maybe next time. I also noted in the registration that Greg and Joe "reserve the right to respectfully decline registrations on an individual basis", so I likely would not have been allowed anyway.

Seriously, this is going to be one very eye opening workshop. I've been fortunate to have seen some of the information that will be shared, and it is nothing short of wonderful. Go. Be a sponge and benefit from two excellent speakers. Maybe I'll make the next one.

Haha Dave! We would have been honored to have you attend!
Colleen C. Lynch
Marketing for
Clarke Product Renovation
Home of Smilin' Jack and Synergy Inks

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you just received another ;)  Tiffany and I are looking forward to it.

So happy you and Tiffany will be attending. It should be a blast and look forward to spending more time with you both!
Colleen C. Lynch
Marketing for
Clarke Product Renovation
Home of Smilin' Jack and Synergy Inks

Offline Colleen C. Lynch

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Thanks for not moving the date Greg.... ;)

It sucks I can't be there due to a trade show we are doing, but I will be most likely skyping in to say hi to everyone.

We're really disappointed you can't make it Antony, but vacation is a good thing, lol! Have fun! Hopefully we'll connect this weekend?
Colleen C. Lynch
Marketing for
Clarke Product Renovation
Home of Smilin' Jack and Synergy Inks

Offline AntonySharples

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Thanks for not moving the date Greg.... ;)

It sucks I can't be there due to a trade show we are doing, but I will be most likely skyping in to say hi to everyone.

We're really disappointed you can't make it Antony, but vacation is a good thing, lol! Have fun! Hopefully we'll connect this weekend?

Oh yeah, we will see you guys Saturday!  Tausha and the kids are looking forward to it.  Joe said something about a $500 a plate dinner???

Offline blue moon

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we'll be there in force! Bringing Zack and Matt with me.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline Joe Clarke

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Thanks for not moving the date Greg.... ;)

It sucks I can't be there due to a trade show we are doing, but I will be most likely skyping in to say hi to everyone.

We're really disappointed you can't make it Antony, but vacation is a good thing, lol! Have fun! Hopefully we'll connect this weekend?

Oh yeah, we will see you guys Saturday!  Tausha and the kids are looking forward to it.  Joe said something about a $500 a plate dinner???

No no no, this is how rumors start...I said Saturday was the day I needed to get new plates for my $500 car!
Joe Clarke
Home of Smilin'Jack & Synergy Inks

Offline Colleen C. Lynch

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Yes Antony, I told Joe that was so kind of you to take us to dinner, haha!
Pierre I am thrilled you and your crew will be there. We're in for some real good technical discussions!
Colleen C. Lynch
Marketing for
Clarke Product Renovation
Home of Smilin' Jack and Synergy Inks

Offline GKitson

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Quick update, the Joe Clarke Workshop at Mind's Eye on July 29-30 is over half full.  If you are thinking about attending get your registration forms in while we still have room. 

If you have questions about whats in it for you; post them here or send to and we can get you answers.

If you have never attended a Workshop at Mind's Eye it can be one of the most eye opening business growth experiences you have ever participated in.

Have a great summer.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline GKitson

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Happy 4th of July to all.

Mind's Eye is picking up 4 additional classroom tables for the Joe Clarke Ink Transfer workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics inc, July 29-30 in decatur IN.

Remember the Early Bird discount expires July 15 and we are very close to starting a waiting list for an additional class.

If you are still undecided about attending please reply to or with any questions you may have.

Registration info at

Bring an open mind, leave your preconceptions about how to deposit ink on a garment at home and allow your shop to get the best ROI on your equipment investments.  And don't forget the Food, MEG is a calorie free zone!

Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline jsheridan

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i was fortunate enough to be given a copy of 'the book' that Joe and Colleen put together back in 01 and have been reading since yesterday.

if you can get to this workshop, GO!!

Blacktop Graphics Screenprinting and Consulting Services