Author Topic: Joe Clarke Ink Transfer Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics July 29-30, 2016  (Read 8878 times)

Offline GKitson

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i was fortunate enough to be given a copy of 'the book' that Joe and Colleen put together back in 01 and have been reading since yesterday.

if you can get to this workshop, GO!!


Thanks for the kind words about the information Joe Clarke will be talking about at the coming Workshop at Mind'e Eye Graphics, hope to see lots for screen print friends old and new July 29-30 in Decatur IN.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

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Looks like we only have 4 seats left for the Joe Clarke Ink Transfer Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics July 29-30 in Decatur IN.

Early Bird Discount savings offer expires this Friday July 15th and the hotel discount will also expire Friday the 15th.  We currently have a room block held that will be released on Friday also and the hotel is full other than our reserved rooms.

This Workshop will be repeated at a future date that has yet to be determined.

If you have any questions about the logistics and what happens at a Workshop at Mind's Eye Graphics give us a call at 1-800-942-9518 and we will get you taken care of.

Registration form attached.

See you soon.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline GKitson

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2 Seats are left, just 2, only 2 places, 2 at the Joe Clarke Ink Transfer Workshop at Mind's Eye.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline bimmridder

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Someone should jump in on these last two spots. I'd be there if it weren't for a prior commitment. (No, I am really NOT being committed) You have a rare chance to sit with  three of the greatest minds in the printing world at one time, for two days and nights. I promise your head will be spinning with all the knowledge you pick up at the workshop. I'll be at the next one.
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

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You have a rare chance to sit with  three of the greatest minds in the printing world at one time, for two days and nights.

Dave, that is so nice of you! I mean everyone assumed and knew about the two minds; Kitson and Clarke. But for you to take the time and acknowledge ME by saying 3 great minds, well that my friend was just peachy keen of you!  :P

Looking forward to the weekend!

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline GKitson

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What does peanut butter have to do with screen printing, Joe knows.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

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Do you understand how a 9-Zone works?  Joe knows...
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline GKitson

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And it begins, the Jedi Master and his younglins hoping to progress to Padawan...
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

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Wish you were here!
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline Underbase37

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I'm glad to see Joe got such a good turnout. Hopefully I will be able to make the next one.


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What does peanut butter have to do with screen printing, Joe knows.

I missed this post, but do have the answer as we discovered that you must use smooth, as the mesh openings required for the bits in crunchy need to be ridiculously large!

Hope yer all enjoyin' yer schoolin' this weekend!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Full-SpectrumSeparator

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What does peanut butter have to do with screen printing, Joe knows.

I missed this post, but do have the answer as we discovered that you must use smooth, as the mesh openings required for the bits in crunchy need to be ridiculously large!

Hope yer all enjoyin' yer schoolin' this weekend!

The same reason you want to go with jelly, not jam.    Can't tell you how many times I've had those little pesky strawberry seeds stick in the mesh and ruin a great sandwich-print for lunch.

On a more serious note.... What's the worst thing you've ever found contaminating your ink while printing?    I think my experience about a year ago is the best...  printing some manual shirts on a large run using some chrome green ink, and the screens start having little holes/tears appear in them...  had to tape, switched squeegees thinking there was like a nic in the edge or something, then all of a sudden I get a long rip/tear in the screen mesh like WHAT?!     Looking in the ink to find what the heck is in there that just ripped the screen....  then I see this little curved piece of... GLASS?   Shards of Glass?       Yep.   

A bit of advice for ink-transfer, maybe Joe didn't cover this,  but you definitely want to avoid shards of glass in your ink.  LOL.... but Jelly and smooth peanut butter work great.

Now why were there shards of glass in the chrome green ink at this shop I was working for?    Apparently someone had changed out a fluorescent light bulb a while before I had started there, and dropped a bulb over the press and glass shattered everywhere and went into a bunch of the inks which were near the same area (the previous printer told me the story when I called him to inquire, lmao, he said he was furious over it and thought he cleaned it all up..)...    Another reason not to leave buckets of ink with the tops off, and be careful changing light bulbs over your press and ink area, haha!        Come on there have to be plenty of horror stories like that,  but I think shards of glass is in the top ten worst  "ink-additives" to try with screen-printing.   :P
"Science and invention benefited most of all from the printing press."  ||

Offline GKitson

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Wish you were here!
Amazing group of screen printing professionals that I am proud to call my friends,

Special Thanks to Joe for the several hundred hours invested in prep for this event.  He skillfully wove the technology and art of our industry into an amazing presentation.

The Workshop will be repeated after we have some time to audit and review all aspects of the event.

Watch here for details.
Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Online Doug S

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Making one of the classes is on my to do list.
It's not a job if you love doing it.

Offline jvanick

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Joe was an amazing presenter -- honestly, for as technical as the information and details that I expected him to talk about, I wasn't sure how he was going to make it understandable and keep my ADD mind focused for 8+ hours a day.  I can say that not only did he do that, but he helped me connect a lot of the 'dots' lol, that I've been reading about for years.

I finally understand the 'why' of how you can lay down less ink, but yet have a better print (with the Milk vs Paper and grass presentation I just wasn't able to fully understand how to relate that back to printing and opacity). The fact that more EOM isn't necessarily a good thing (and can HURT your print in many cases).   Why you want to use different duro squeegees which match the mesh openings, etc.

Now to try to implement the first 10-20% of what we learned :)