screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)
Blocking pin dots ect on WB/DC screns
--- Quote from: bimmridder on May 27, 2016, 11:44:07 AM ---We know nail polish for you isn't just for weekends.
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Awesome idea with the nail polish! Good to know the pressure washer will spray it off fine. My prepress guy kind of sucks, still pretty new and learning (me :-\)
--- Quote from: jjkage84 on August 14, 2016, 10:29:23 AM ---Awesome idea with the nail polish! Good to know the pressure washer will spray it off fine. My prepress guy kind of sucks, still pretty new and learning (me :-\)
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And, though John mentioned clear, it really can be any color you or someone else has kicking around. You can also take advantage of odd-ball colors that a store may be closing out cheaply.
The following may be old hat to you (but of course, many others are reading this as well) but a couple of questions:
Are your holes breaking out during the run, or are there from the get-go? Though either one is usually due to less-than-stellar housekeeping, many can be caught before a screen ever goes on press with a simple examination, holding the screen up to a light source.
Then, there are blockout liquids (essentially emulsion with no photographic properties), or old emulsion (which has to be applied with a little more care as it will harden and become permanent, and pose a problem if hitting image area.)
These liquids do take longer to dry than nail polish so are best used when a screen will sit for a while anyway.
I wonder if This will only work on certain emulsions though. Saati phu for example seems to sweat on us on the bottom of the screen when doing wb inks. We were using the same tape you use on the sp-1400. Never had a single issue with it. Once we switched emulsion it is almost impossible to get any type of tape to stick to the bottom on wb/DC job. No issues with plastisol. I quit using reg marks on any wb job because of it.
--- Quote from: SI on August 14, 2016, 02:48:37 PM ---I wonder if This will only work on certain emulsions though. Saati phu for example seems to sweat on us on the bottom of the screen when doing wb inks. We were using the same tape you use on the sp-1400. Never had a single issue with it. Once we switched emulsion it is almost impossible to get any type of tape to stick to the bottom on wb/DC job. No issues with plastisol. I quit using reg marks on any wb job because of it.
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If you are still using the PHU (though without reg marks now) why not just slap a hunk of the UPS sticker somewhere on the screen bottom and see if if holds any better than your failed tape. No harm unless it falls off into a print! :o
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