screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)
Blocking pin dots ect on WB/DC screns
--- Quote from: acescreen on August 17, 2016, 12:24:33 AM ---We always use emulsion to block out reg marks/film labels on DC/Waterbase screens. We just switched to the Murakami T9 from the SP1400 cut our exposure time down significantly. We just ran a 250pc discharge job yesterday with no problems. Looking to test it on larger runs this fall. We did let it bake in the sun for a while and post expose...not sure if both were necessary but I always do as much as possible to help ensure screen holds up. We also had good luck with the Kiwo multitex on runs up to 4,000pcs but it was tough to strip for us. Our goal is to find 1 emulsion for plast and WB screens.
I remember reading somewhere to not tape waterbase/DC screens on the bottom or shirts side. I think it mentioned that it could create a moisture barrier causing the screen to break down prematurely. It needs to "breathe" on the shirts side.
Happened to us early on when we first started doing WB work a few years back and we've not taped the bottom side since then.
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That was me and you're welcome ;) Printwear a few ys back can't remember. But only if you do things right in pre-press can you do this. Classic case of Printerhydrophobia
--- Quote from: HF Screenprinting on February 16, 2017, 08:46:37 AM ---Hii..
Nice all about information i liked your all info i want more about u share ...
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Speaking of taping screens 98% of the time I never tape the shirt side of my screens, I figure if I tape it right on the squeegee side the first time I'm good, not saying I ain't goofed from time to time.
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