screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)
Blocking pin dots ect on WB/DC screns
--- Quote from: SI on August 14, 2016, 02:48:37 PM ---... Once we switched emulsion it is almost impossible to get any type of tape to stick to the bottom on wb/DC job....
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Have you tried using blue painters tape?
We have tried just about every type of tape you can imagine. Unfortunately the local UPS won't hand out the labels like they do for Alex. I haven't tried sourcing them elsewhere to see if it would work or not. We were running +5 minute exposures with SP-1400 on the 3140, then back in June we got the Ryonet FX (saati LED) this cut the exposure times down to 2:30, but switching to PHU or cryocoat gets us down to 10 second exposures. Also the old 3140 had some beat up glass and we got a lot of pinholes from that. But with the new exposure and emulsion we rarely get a pinhole. However as I mentioned no matter what tape i have tried it falls off after about 50 shirts on a HSA, WB/DC job. So I just don't add reg marks to these jobs, I normally print the UB film with reg marks and just draw a thin line on the squeegee side of the mesh with a sharpie, then cutoff the reg marks before burning the screen. It takes a little longer to line up the job on press but its better than tape falling off on a DC job and ruining a shirt. I hope to be purchasing a CTS before the end of the year and at that point it won't matter anymore. 90% of what we do is corporate contract work which is almost exclusively plastisol.
If I were to pick up a lot more WB work, of get a big order I have SP-1400 still and would mix it for that job. I have not ran the PHU or cryocoat for more than 600 pieces yet and I'm just not sure how much I would trust it. When we hit the end of the 600 piece job it was looking suspect and practically fell off the mesh when we washed the screens out
it sounds like you aren't exposing your PHU enough.
Hard 7 on the Stauffer strip
--- Quote from: SI on August 14, 2016, 10:51:18 PM ---Hard 7 on the Stauffer strip
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let em sit in the sun for a couple hours and see if they still do it.
i've used phu and seem to recall the bottom of the screen being a little sweaty.. not wet but tape didn't stick.
that's ok as you want to tape DC screens from the inside anyway. tape on the back of the screen creates a pressure point and the screen will break down along the edge of the tape.. seen it happen plenty of times. weird occurance but it happens.
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