Author Topic: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size  (Read 2697 times)

Offline ECSP

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Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« on: May 18, 2016, 12:26:01 PM »
Hey guiys
Just started using Ultra seps 2...when I go to print the image prints 2/3 smaller than the actual size...Any ideas. There is something I am missing

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Re: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2016, 02:03:38 PM »
I advised this trial version user to post a question here as there's an issue with his printer settings or possibly the output settings in Photoshop that is scaling the image down.

He does not have a RIP and has converted the separation to bitmap halftones.  He has now written back and states the image size problem has been resolved although when he tries to print the separation, the same film keeps printing out.

Since I have no idea how this can be, I have instructed the trial version user to Split The Channels followed by outputting each as a standalone document.  That's usually a cure-all for all printing issues with bitmap conversions.

I'd like to add that whenever I receive a question on outputting to film, the term always used is "UltraSeps won't print".  The fact which eludes many, especially those newer to Photoshop and color separation is there's nothing special or specific about separations generated by UltraSeps.  They're simply generic multichannel PSD files.  No secret formula to hinder film output is used.   :) :)

How to output to film is the most often asked question I receive and although I have documentation and video's out the wazoo regarding film output, for some reason, the trend continues although its not as frequent as when compared to years ago, during the time Adobe removed the print variables from Photoshop beginning with CS5.

BTW, I do my best to send as many printers as I can to this forum.  Not sure the number of which that actually signs up and participates.  :-\
Developer of UltraSeps and QuikSeps Color Separation Software. 
Oh yeah, I actually printed t-shirts too for over 30 years.

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Re: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2016, 02:13:52 PM »
Steve not only are your referrals appreciated, but your personal responses and participation as well.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

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Re: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 03:07:26 PM »
What Andy said... plus, there are tons of lurkers (I believe they just want to learn) out there who don't participate but do in due time, once they feel comfortable.

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

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Re: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 04:42:39 PM »
Steve not only are your referrals appreciated, but your personal responses and participation as well.

What Andy said... plus, there are tons of lurkers (I believe they just want to learn) out there who don't participate but do in due time, once they feel comfortable.


Thank you Andy and Steve.

Anyhow, the issue is resolved.  The end user was not aware the multichannel separation converted to halftones in Photoshop using UltraSeps, when sent to the printer within Photoshop prints each film in sequence.  Obviously, the first film printed, some time went by and he didn't wait for the printing of the following channel(s) to begin.

Although I do make it clear that unlike other bitmap conversions in Photoshop, UltraSeps renders the bitmaps within channels so its possible to preview the halftone bitmapped separation to get an idea how it might print.  This also makes film output easier as all that's required is to select Separations within the print output dialog of Photoshop and click Print.  Its not required to print each channel one-by-one or split the channels and print as standalone documents.

This is not an recommendation to use my bitmap halftone conversion as a replacement or alternative to a RIP as I do recommend that all printers use a RIP if possible.  I know they're expensive and those just starting out need to keep the budget intact.  Although at some point, its a more than worthwhile investment. :)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 12:22:16 PM by UltraSeps »
Developer of UltraSeps and QuikSeps Color Separation Software. 
Oh yeah, I actually printed t-shirts too for over 30 years.

Offline ECSP

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Re: Ultraseps 2 image printing smaller than actual size
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2016, 12:00:51 PM »
Yes issue resolved thanks Steve...of course it was operator error on set up.  I have since purchased full version of Quick Seps...because as someone pointed out... I am a small budget conscious shop trying to get my feet wet in Sim and 4 cp work.  Appreciate the positive help.