Author Topic: Shout out to Magna and NazDar  (Read 3047 times)

Offline nobrainsd

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Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« on: May 11, 2016, 01:57:28 PM »
I'm more of a hobby printer now, relatively small scale manual runs. I had some issues with printing Magna discharge inks. I was printing fine detailed large images in high color counts. I had major problems with inks drying in the screens. Moved those projects back to plastisol, but still wanted to master water base inks for lightweight summer shirts. Decided to try Magnas ND Extra on light colored shirts with a lot of surface area. I used the crosslinker and the gel retarder. I am so stoked! I could even flood the screens and walk away for short periods without a problem. Fantastic hand and no drying in onscreen. I also followed some advice I got from Pierre at Long Beach and wetted down my screens before adding the ink. Really was an entirely different experience. I'm looking forward to trying the  ZF free discharge again to see if the wet screens will help with that too (they were clogging right off).

As a small scale printer I was super happy to see that Source One had started selling pigments in 1 kilo quantities. The 5 kilo packaging was rather costly and really was more pigment than I needed at one time (particularly in the less used colors). A big up check to Source One for making the Magna system more economically friendly to smaller printers!

Whether or not I can get away with printing the discharge system through 230 mesh and eight colors remains to be seen. I think a lot of my issues were directly related to putting the ink onto my bone dry screens. But with Pierres suggestion and the ND (non drying) water base soft hand I had such a great experience that I wanted to share it. I also really appreciate the encouragement I got from Mr. Shoman at the LB show to give waterbase another try. Some HSA stretch on performance wear is next!

Offline redwoodtees

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2016, 04:22:14 PM »
I love the results with WB ink, but I feel like I am at war with the ink when printing multi-color jobs. I'm going to try wetting the screens next time.

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2016, 04:38:34 PM »
old flatstock trick is to put a little 409 mixed with mostly water in a spray bottle, and spray both sides of the screen first, rubbing lightly with a paper towel just to evenly disperse it across the mesh.  Helps a TON with dry in issues.

Offline Orion

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2016, 05:14:25 PM »
Whether or not I can get away with printing the discharge system through 230 mesh and eight colors remains to be seen.

I would shy away from a 230X for WB. Most of the different brands have a 25% or less open area percentage, which may cause dry in Have you tried "S"(thin thread) mesh?
Dale Hoyal

Offline nobrainsd

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2016, 05:50:03 PM »
Hmm, What is the advantage of the 409? Is it a surfactant or something? Help keep the water from drying out fast?  I might have to try it as the humidity decreases this summer.

I want to try some s mesh. But I have a bunch of regular mesh. Need to buy some softer scrub brushes too. Wish my local suppliers stocked it.

I think I may try some of the Magna TBD high solids waterbase with a white underbase to see if I can get a decent result on darks. Thought about a discharge UB and high solids wb on top, but I'm pretty impressed by the non drying magna products so I might just stick with non discharge. I like the lack of waste ink! Curious to see what kind of opacity I can get without discharging.

I totally understand the sentiment about  hassling with WB, particularly in really dry hot weather. But I absolutely love the breathability and the fact that I can add the crosslinker and not stress as much about the final cure. Redwoodtees, you might want to try one of the ink manufacturers that offer "non drying" bases. I've also heard good things about Wilflex Oasis. This was such a pleasant experience! I was working in 75F with 33% humidity.

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2016, 06:08:39 PM »
Something to do with the glycerine, but I'm no chemist...

Offline JBLUE

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 07:45:01 PM »
Retarder + S mesh = no issues........ ;)

By the way I am ready to do a board when you are!

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

Offline nobrainsd

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Re: Shout out to Magna and NazDar
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2016, 09:08:38 PM »
Okay, Sounds like I need to get on it and order some s mesh. I'm still a little unsure that I can get away with printing a 14 x 14 eight color indexed print at 185 ppi on 230 mesh on a manual with discharge wb ink. I'm too slow! But I want to try the s mesh so I'll give it a go. Maybe with something easier to start...

Jason, I have a shirt you might like. It was a cover shot on The Surfers Journal of my friend Wings (who has passed) bodysurfing pipeline and the photographer, Jeff Divine, gave me permission to print a derivative image. You are an XXL? Still trying to line up a date on the Kern, but you are always welcome to ride anytime in sunny San Diego.

What I do when I'm not printing.