Author Topic: Color Settings in Adobe Suite Programs  (Read 2212 times)

Offline tpitman

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Color Settings in Adobe Suite Programs
« on: October 20, 2011, 06:36:09 AM »
Am I correct in my understanding that the adjustments to CMYK percentages, or changes in dot gain percentages, in the Color Settings dialog box are specific to calibrating the appearance of the art on the monitor, and coordinating the appearance across the different programs in the Suite, rather than actually changing the file when it goes to print the way the transfer function curves did in older versions of Photoshop's print dialog box?

And if so, does anyone know of a way to compensate for or change the compensation for dot gain in Illustrator with an action or some command that would render the whole file dot-gain adjusted before printing to file and sending to Ghostscript?

I downloaded an Agfa .ppd to use since Apple has somewhat neutered the Adobe PDF .ppd I used to rely on for outputting seps, and scrolled through it looking for something that might do it but apparently it's not a function of that particular .ppd.

Update: I did find a plug-in called Phantasm CS Designer that allows for curves adjustments that can be saved and swapped between Illy and Photoshop. It also does vector halftones and some other stuff. From the UK (the narrator in the demo video sounds like the roadie in Wayne's World II), runs about $65 US. Anyone ever use this program?
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 07:19:22 AM by tpitman »
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Re: Color Settings in Adobe Suite Programs
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 07:41:37 AM »
You need an icc profile for your device, print out the target from PS/AI, through your workflow and create a profile, which is your calibration file.  Choose it as your destination in PS/AI.
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