Author Topic: New to printing on a roll of film  (Read 2051 times)

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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New to printing on a roll of film
« on: May 05, 2016, 01:55:49 PM »
epson 4800
17" film

what settings do I need to input and where - to get the print function of AccuRip to 4800 to see that it has 17" to play with, start in the top (bottom?) corner, flip it if that saves film, and cut it when it's done?
almost everything seems to be set up for SHEET dimensions and I'm not sure where choosing "roll" overrides, and from there, where to tell it the basics?

windows 7
devices and printers has print preferences (I assume this is where I'm inputting the stuff) for the 4800 itself and for "AccuRIP to 4800"

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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Re: New to printing on a roll of film
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2016, 02:17:51 PM »
I can check the dimensions of the art, manually rotate it so it's shorter vertically, and manually adjust the "postscript custom page size definition" under "properties" --> "advanced" for each and every print, but I'm guessing there's a much less effort way to get the same results?

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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Re: New to printing on a roll of film
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 05:17:54 PM »
AccuRIP tech support helped. Kinda.

I can check the dimensions of the art, manually rotate it so it's shorter vertically, and manually adjust the "postscript custom page size definition" under "properties" --> "advanced" for each and every print, but I'm guessing there's a much less effort way to get the same results?

Nope. That's the simplest way, the helpdesk at AccuRIP insists. Anyone beg to differ? Have a shortcut or workaround? I'd like to not be rotating all my tall art by hand. I'd like to not be telling the computer where to cut with every print.

Make my page 17" wide in Corel.

If the art is taller than it is wide, the only way to save film is to rotate the art itself.

The printer will need to be told where to cut the film after printing through the "PostScript custom page size definition" box on every print (effectively adjusting the driver settings for each print).

"Long edge first" was really not making any sense until it was explained "use that unless you have art needing to print that is longer in 1 dimension than 17".

the auto rotate, auto cut after a sep stuff they advertise apparently doesn't function with Corel X4

Offline cbjamel

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Re: New to printing on a roll of film
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 06:05:26 PM »
 I print with filmmaker, so may be different. I print roll all the time 5-6' at a time and have it cut then.
Corel x7 and x6 same way.
1. Hit print icon in corel
2. select printer
3. preferences
4. advanced
5. paper
6. custom page for each print.
So say a 6 color design. then a 5 color all printing together, but each set of films same size.
I have the rip do the cutting not the print advanced functions.
 Might try like that. Don't know if it will work.


Offline 1964GN

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Re: New to printing on a roll of film
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2016, 08:08:59 AM »
Set your parameters and save the profile. I'm at home so I can tell you exactly but I think I just set up the page size etc then saved it as a profile called "output" in the main print dialog window. I set the default page size to 14"w x 10"h (set your to what every you want) When I go to print I select "output" from the main print dialog window (instead of "Default"). I always have to go in and adjust the page print height (and width depending on the film size I'm using). It doesn't know your art board size.