Dear Wilflex, I urge you to allow distributors other than Midwest Sign to carry your products on the west coast.
I would assume that the Epic PC express system is likely the most popular plastisol mixing system in the world, and yet,
my local Midwest can't seem to keep stock of even the most commonly used pigments. And their internal system
for handling backorders leaves much to be desired. A three week lead time is not acceptable for something we go through a
gallon a month of.
I understand that your distributors problems are not yours, but the fact that they have a near monopoly on distribution
for the west coast is certainly your decision. We do business with Midwest quite literally out of having no other option for
purchasing your products. I don't think that's a position you want your end users in. Amazing Base, while as great as the name implies,
is only worth so much hell, before I start thinking about the local Rutland distributor.