Author Topic: Tip Using A Pneumatic Heat Press, Don’t Forget The Filter!  (Read 718 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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If your heat press is pneumatic, meaning it is semi or fully automatic, it uses a compressor, which has an air filter that is used to protect the pneumatics. This filter, which collects excess moisture from the lines, must be regularly cleaned out to ensure it does not get clogged or allow water to get to the electronics causing the press to malfunction. Although this part is referred to as an “air filter,” many times, it also could accurately be described as a “water separator.”

To empty the air filter/water separator, simply disconnect the compressor’s air supply from the filter. Unthread the filter from the mounted holder and empty out contents.

If you notice the air filter/water separator with water in it, it’s a good sign that reservoir in the air compressor also should be emptied out. It’s a good ideal to empty both at the same time to avoid possible issues.

Set up a regular time of the week/month to do this to ensure you do not forget and wind up with problems that could be avoided.

Ben Robinson is general manager for Hotronix, Carmichaels, PA

Hotronix®, a GroupeSTAHL company, designs, engineers, and manufactures a full line of the world’s most innovative and technologically advanced heat press machines with the goal of exceeding customer expectations at a competitive cost. Made in the USA and engineered by experts who understand heat printing, Hotronix® heat presses are product safety certified. For more information, to locate a dealer, or make a dealer inquiry, call (800) 727-8520 or visit