Author Topic: MHM tech Support from Hirsch  (Read 3486 times)

Offline Screened Gear

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Re: MHM tech Support from Hirsch
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2016, 01:47:51 AM »
I have never had an issue with Hirsch or tech support. I have numbers for the techs and I have even called Hirsch a few times in the past. I bought my press used and had to have it worked on after it was setup. It had a bad registration pin. Hirsch set me up with the right guys. They also called to make sure I was taken care of after. After the press was up and running I have only had 2 small issues and they were because of the previous owner was cheap and rigged a few things. Both times the tech helped me over the phone to be back up and running in less then 30 min. Parts can be over nighted but most of the time the tech can help you cannibalize other heads, like the flash head, to get things working again until the parts can be shipped, nonover-night bend you over price.