"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
What's a pre-registration air platen? Just curious...Steve
Pretty cool. I like the thought of avoiding double taping films. Does the film hold firmly in place with the vacuum if the screen slides over it while being positioned?
Quote from: Sbrem on April 07, 2016, 04:15:05 PMWhat's a pre-registration air platen? Just curious...SteveIt is a board or system of jigs set so you can get your artwork onto your screen in the exact same spot for multi color jobs and then mount the screens into your screen printer faster with out the need to use the micro adjust (most of the time)It also is nice for one color jobs as you can pop those in without the need to do any adjustments.It saves time mainly.In the picture below you can see three pins. the screen will press up against the three pins while your artwork is being held down by air suction. I use a cheap foot switch from harbor freight to turn on and off the shop vac for this purpose. When you release the air you can lift the screen off and go on to the next color. this way later you can use the same three pins to put the screen on the press and it should land in the same exact spot each time.This is the poor mans Pre registration lol the cheapest one I could find to buy was $499.00 then the next level was $999 and they go up... way up to thousands on top of thousands.Hope this helps, you can look up pre registration or VRS on youtube and they demonstrate the VRS Vastex. it helps to see it being done