screen printing > Separations
How would you sep this?
LPI to screen mesh is not really part of seping so I didn't know what you were looking for.
Unless the job is due in the morning, don't you have a supplier you can buy 2 280-305 mesh screens from in the morning? They always come in handy for halftones.
I always try to do what I need to to make the job look right vs. trying to shoehorn something to make it fit. If no suppliers in your town, well, guess then you have to make do.
I only use my 156s for underbase and spot colors.
I did 156 for the orange and 230 for the black, the black was a little overpowering but the print looks better than what the guy had from a printer thats been in business for 10+ years so I am happy but you are right I wish I had some higher mesh screens. This was done without a RIP, I use Advanced Artist Simple Seps.
I'll have to check out the Advanced Artist site.
In the meantime,
--- Quote from: Prosperi-Tees on October 16, 2011, 09:07:09 PM ---I did 156 for the orange and 230 for the black, the black was a little overpowering. . .
--- End quote ---
Black halftones are often overpowering. It is usually a good idea to pull them back in the artwork. The amount you need to pull back depends on a lot of variables in your shop, but a little experimentation should allow you to dial it in. I usually pull back about 15% on my shadings and gradients containing black.
Looks better in person, crappy cell pic but like was said I should have pulled back on the black.
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