Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
We do mostly spot color stuff. 1 to 3 colors is our game. We've been trying with halftones lately and are getting a lot better (also got a rip) doing them but we just got a job that is completely new to us and we have no idea on how to separate and print this.The initial thought would be to have 2 different colors and meet them halfway in the print with halftones. What do you guys think?I saw a post a few weeks ago with the name of a service that creates seps for this kind of image. Can't find it anymore. Can anyone recommend a way of doing this and a service to do so?
I separate as a side thing now, but it was by full time gig for about 3 years most recently and before that separated as a side gig for around 20-25 years. For this job, I feel you should learn how to do this yourself in House. Yes, I would be glad to do it, but it's within the basic category and it's something all shops should try to keep in house since you will get much more of this. I will post up a video on how to do this shortly.