There has been a lot of discussion about the various exposure units, what is better and what they can and cannot do.
I would like to invite the various manufacturers to download the test film Pierre posted under screen making, expose it using whatever emulsion you recommend and whatever EOM you recommend and publish the results.
good luck with that...
There is a very tight lipped attitude from the exposure unit guys recommending emulsions and emulsion brands.
The same way the emulsion companies won't recommend exposure units.
best you can do is to ask specific questions to them based on a specific emulsion, and then you'll get some info...
I can fully understand the why tho... (Business reasons, and not playing favorites)
Likewise they don’t want to show favoritism to one brand of emulsion over another, and have the risk that the manufacturers whose products weren’t recommended would sell against their screen exposure systems. The reality is that it’s hard work for the equipment manufacturers to remain relevant, and at the same time neutral.
With that said, (and I can only speak for one manufacturer) I do know that M&R invested heavily to bring an award winning garment screen printer into their application lab to test out their STE Series Computer to Screen Imaging and Exposure Systems using a wide range of emulsions from different manufacturers. M&R will be reluctant to publish these results, but I’m confident that you could get the skinny by reaching out offline to Alex Mamosser, or Geoff Baxter at M&R