Computers and Software > RIPs

Accurip curves setting.

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Stinkhorn Press:
Manual printer (temporarily i hope).

I've adjusted my Accurip curves in the past. I don't have a total understanding, but closer than before. Attached is how I've been running the curve for the last year.

I've used the curve with 2 purposes:
1 smoothly reduce the amount of ink we lay down to correct for gains. (the proper use, i think)
2 to not print the dots/holes that we can't expose/hold/print anyway (below 5% and above 95% roughly)

2, as I am beginning to understand is NOT achieved will with curve manipulation. Telling AccuRip that a 3% dot should look like a 5% dot kinda sorta does that, but it also skew the curve north of that and makes my 10% and 20% curves a tad HIGH then they should be trending a little LESS.

What is the proper way to achieve not printing those dots when printing? (Mostly from Corel Draw)

AccuRIP has a test film that you print out; then, each block (5% increments) needs to be read with a densitometer, to see what it really is (10% might actually be 8% or 13%, and so on). When you get the readings back, put the corresponding readings into the boxes; AccuRIP will compensate using those readings; let's say your 30% block came out 27%, AR will bring it up to 30% as it should be, and so on for each tone...


blue moon:

--- Quote from: Sbrem on February 10, 2016, 03:48:16 PM ---AccuRIP has a test film that you print out; then, each block (5% increments) needs to be read with a densitometer, to see what it really is (10% might actually be 8% or 13%, and so on). When you get the readings back, put the corresponding readings into the boxes; AccuRIP will compensate using those readings; let's say your 30% block came out 27%, AR will bring it up to 30% as it should be, and so on for each tone...


--- End quote ---

I've heard that that functionality has been remove on the latest version. Con somebody confirm this?


yes i can confirm that option is no longer available on current versions.

Confirmed here as well. I was told by the developer I did not need it nor did I need to linearize my printer. Went to Wasatch and have not looked back.


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