Thanks everyone! I'll end up outsourcing the seps, any suggestions?
I suggest Dot-Tone Dan. He's "the best",

but other printers say others are "the best" also. Really, all good separators are pretty consistent and have their "best days" and some have a day here and there where they are only " very good", but all are human and can make an occasional mistake and forget or overlook something.
I've re done a sep job first given to
best of them and I'd bet that somewhere out there, some separator has re separated something I did also at some time. There are various reasons for that and it's hard to pin down with an overall statement so I'd say each case has it's reasons. Each printer has their preferred separator for different reasons.
So, who is the best? Here is a list of those who specialize in seps.
Me, (humbly).
Serichrome Seps
Mark Coudrey's NetSeps although you can get the seps from him that are given more precise attention at a higher rate.
Scott at Myseps.
Rising Sun
Scott Fresener even offers a sep service.
Others can add on any that you can remember. There are more, but the above are what comes to mind.