Author Topic: This is 10 years graphic experience.  (Read 5823 times)

Offline jsheridan

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2016, 10:25:58 AM »
It's tough to ignore the glaring (to us) issues, but let's remember that his presentation is not aimed at us. In it's own context, at his target audience, it's almost kinda' cool.
Think of it a little like some hillbilly with a new-fangled smarty pants phone with camera showin' how he makes peach wine viewed by winery snobs in Napa.

Both the scary thing and the modern miracle, is how easy it is for anyone to put themselves out there like this.

nah.. he's a tuber and it's the cool thing to be these days.. cause the really cool kids get paid buckets for a good channel. Youtube don't care what or how good the content it.. just that it's there and ppl hit your subscribe button.

Youtube has become a cesspool of instructional videos from peope  just like this guy.
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2016, 11:28:20 AM »
For the record, it takes a BOAT load of views to make any substantial money.

I have a video with over 9,000 views... which by all means is not a "lot" at all and I'm not suggesting it is.  I just don't post much up so it's my only barometer.

Anyway, it's always been "monetized" and I've yet to see a single penny from those 9,000 views. :)

Offline mimosatexas

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2016, 11:31:59 AM »
buddy of mine has a video with 4 million views...not a cent either.  He tried for a while, but there are all kinds of things you have to do to actually get paid, and simply uploading a video that gets lots of views doesnt really matter.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2016, 12:19:49 PM »
He should have gotten paid for that... maybe he forgot to monetize it before the views or something.

I know people and lawsuits between people over a substantial bit of money due to a few million views on videos.

Offline blue moon

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2016, 12:56:22 PM »
one of the big guys on Youtube said in his video that 1,000,000 hits pays about $3K.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline Gilligan

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2016, 01:24:22 PM »
one of the big guys on Youtube said in his video that 1,000,000 hits pays about $3K.


Exactly... there are a few guys on youtube that do nothing but youtube (and other such things) as their job, we know a few.

Offline Itsa Little CrOoked

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Re: This is 10 years graphic experience.
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2016, 02:31:33 PM »
You are all right on every point. I was enjoying the mockery and then immediately felt guilty.

I see soooooo many lazy bums around where I work. I'm tired of feeding them and housing them. And then having to carry concealed to protect my life and my stuff from them after dark.

At least THIS guy is motivated and produces something of value to someone. I'll bet he's teachable. It looks like he knows how to work. I hope he doesn't ALSO have his "hand in the till" like 50+ million do, but I digress...

I'll bet there's a time in most of our lives if someone confidently came up said, "I have the answer to your problems" we would have listened.

He may not be open to help, unfortunately. Once you've gone out on a limb and made a instructional video (or 20) for YouTube it might be hard to swallow your pride.

I'm not scolding anyone. I'll bet most of us would help the guy out if he asked for it. In fact, I am certain of it. (Maybe someone already has!)

<end rant>

I'm into my 8th year printing shirts full time, and I print some pretty danged awful stuff least compared to a whole list of people displaying their wares in the "What Have You Printed Lately" thread.

This is an informative and encouraging place to gather and sure I'm glad it exists.