screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!
I need to cobble together small "hot box" for transfer paper
Itsa Little CrOoked:
--- Quote from: larryk on January 19, 2016, 11:17:10 AM ---Stan..... it sounds to me like you have your paper shrinkage problem dialed in and now you need to get your registration figured out. It takes a lot of practice to be able to place that paper exact every time...... Here is a suggestion for alignment on your vacuum table. I know you have a plotter so first cut 2 strips of your thickest vinyl you have 1" X 15"..... place the first strip going horizontal near the top of your table where the top of the paper will be.... place the second strip to the left side of the first strip at a 90 degree angle... so it looks like a framing square... be precise with this. If you are using a foot switch to turn on your vacuum make sure to hold your paper until it is sucked firmly to the table.... look it over and make sure the paper is where it should be before you print it..... and just like everything else.... Practice Practice Practice.
--- End quote ---
I will try this. Thanks Larry. I've heard of thick vinyl being utilized for this purpose before. I have some paint mask that can be plotter cut. It will release easy too!
And Frog, I still haven't given up on heating a small box lined with styrofoam.
And Moose, I question the consistency the heat press idea would yield, but your idea is noted in the ever less reliable gray area of my cranium.
I'll look up restaurant food warmers too.
I am aware how heating the air in the winter with a furnace, simply expands the available moisture until the relative humidity is effectively reduced. I kinda get that.
I'm just not sure how moisture content would actually be effected in an air tight container by adding heat, no matter which temperature range I manage to achieve. This concept is foggy in my mind. I can see how if the container is partly OPEN, how adding a CONTROLLED, heated air flow might maintain, or even further reduce moisture content.
Thanks guys!
Heat press is a bad idea. The paper will warp oddly in my experience. Yrmv of course
Itsa Little CrOoked:
I did find something cheap enough to be interesting at Bed Bath and Beyond.
I might be able to start here, and wind up with an enclosure that could be opened if needed.
Itsa Little CrOoked:
Double Post, sorry. Why can't I remember how to delete a boo boo?
From the same place, way cooler!
Not as small, but the wheels make it easily movable, and there's plenty of room for other related items.
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