I searched first... Didn't find anything. Asked the manufacture of my press (Brown's Mfg.) nada....
I don't even know what I don't know! LOL... I do know what the platen is... I think side clamps and micro claps are the same thing. I've been calling them screen clap thingy's...

I have a press made up of doodads, whatchamacallits, and whozmabobs.... which of course makes it hard to actually communicate to my guy at the manufacturer!
I've attached a photo of my immediate concern... These adjusters move my screen back/forward on print head. I have several of them that are broken and it makes it quite difficult to line-up my prints. Some of them just needed to be taken apart and lubricated, but some are missing parts or won't move at all still.
WHAT are these called??? Hahaha...