Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
If done correctly (human factors) the U clamp should be more consistent and also accurate due to the difficulty of some machines having problems reaching a true micro zero. With the micro systems on the Sroque and MHM finding zero is MUCH easier versus other machines but it still has room for error that you really don't have by butting a screen up to stop blocks.
Yes they are going all digital on the ECO and ovals, digital readout for reg and squeegee/flood. So you manually have to micro it, but it will have readout like X - 0.01 Y-0.04 so micro them till they hit 0.00. Keeps the price down without motors then. There has been a modified ECO up in Canada that is basically a 4000AC for a few years from my understanding. I have not actually seen it though.
I'll have to start saving my pennies now to upgrade to one of those ECO's one day!
We use the MHM fpu for our two s types. Basically theexact same as Roq's pin system. Was planning on having our Roqmade with MHM compatible holders, and continue to use the MHM systemfor all machines, but then found that the MHM pinned frames will work inthe Roq PRU, reg pallet and u-clamps. So that's what we'll be using in a few months.Best of the mhm and mnr styles, like screen printers have been discusing and cobblingtogether for the past few years.