There sure are a ton of videos on youtube, though you have to weed through a lot of them; some folks are not as sophisticated as others, so some of the advice is not so good, but experience will teach you after a while to separate the good from the bad. You'll have to make a mistake or too, but mistakes put you on the path to the "right way" whatever that may be. The better printers will tell you that they get their award winning work by going around the press once, and done, no Revolver type of program, as good as that is to have; it's a "fix" for the lack of a bigger machine with more heads and flash units. Having learned to separate before flashing came about, the biggest problem was a proper underbase, which very often simply wasn't used since you couldn't flash it. White usually printed as the last color, so it would stay bright. When finally getting an auto with flashes, we could experiment to find out what worked and what didn't. After getting a set of separations from one of the "big separators" in the early '80's, I studied those films to death. One of the best printers around told me once that if you need more than 2 flashes, "you're doing it wrong." So head on over to youtube and check it out, and good luck, you'll get it.