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Platten storage
I want to built a rolling cart for (automatic) platen storage. Has anyone built something they want to post photos of?
I am looking for design inspiration. I'm wanting a rolling cart/shelving type set up, I think...
Racer Tees:
I was in another shop a while back and they had all theirs on these rolling shelves. Looked like they only set them up half height, and put the shelves close together though. M&R bracket fits on the shelf nicely.
Found my solution in another thread:,5465.0.html
Thanks BP!
I am in the middle of building 2
One for adult sized platens and one to hold a youth size next to a sleeve platen.
I have 14 of each so it's much lower than the one in the picture.
I can use the top as a table.for loading or whatever.
I will be able to post a picture in a few weeks.
Hey Kingscreen, what rack did you use for this? We built our screen racks with the cheaper ones, expanded with a wooden dowel but I didn't use them for platens because they didn't seem strong enough to hold all that weight. Thanks.
Also, didn't action have a solution for this? I couldn't find it on their site.
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