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Help with Settling Tank

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--- Quote from: Gilligan on November 08, 2015, 10:36:08 AM ---Hey Moose, ours clogged our p-trap the other day.  We think we were washing too much plastisol down the drain.

--- End quote ---

Hey Gilly,
no issues here but I also do not have a trap on the wash out booth. There is about a 60 foot run and a 7 foot drop and the drain don't stop going it just slows down.
reminds me it is time to clean that sucker out. Last time I mucked out about 70 pounds of goooooooo, think I will call Mike Rowe the dirty jobs guy ;).

Geeez Brian! What are you going for? Bottled water out of your final tank?? :P

Brian, where did you get the barrels?

They are plastic 55 gallon drums, cut the tops off with a circular saw. I get them from the boat yards in late fall, non toxic antifreeze they use to winterized the boats come in them and they are glad to get rid of them.

The water comes out pretty clean, haven't had to wash out the slop sink for almost a year now. Next one I'll build a boiler and steam the water off the solids????

I'll have to check around. Thanks man


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