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Help with Settling Tank

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Mike, ask some of your vendors. Pouring down 55gal into gallons usually leave them with extras...

I call BS, Brian is brewing some bathtub liquor there.

we've got the Blackline, close to $1000, works great, and the local enviro police love it. The screen guy maintains it, pretty easy. Yes, it was expensive, but the time involved was a lot shorter than building one. I've built a lot of things over the years, but nowadays, I find myself not wanting to spend the time, too many other things to do...



--- Quote from: mk162 on November 09, 2015, 12:05:18 PM ---I call BS, Brian is brewing some bathtub liquor there.

--- End quote ---
While I wouldn't put it past him, the thought of discharge hooch makes me want to pour out this beer in my hand and switch to 24/7 water! ;D

Hey Brian, where do you get the filter bags?


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