Author Topic: THE EPSON T3270 THREAD  (Read 21103 times)

Offline cbjamel

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« Reply #45 on: March 27, 2016, 05:14:51 PM »
I love mine, but no i dont think easily.

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« Reply #46 on: March 27, 2016, 09:42:33 PM »
So I've hit wall with a T3270 + Accurip Black Pearl issue. 

I'm getting films that are long or short without any pattern.  Two films in a set will be correct, one is stretched lengthwise, etc.  Major headache.

On the T3270 itself I did the paper feed adjust, detect paper thickness.   In Accurip I did the feed length adjust calibration to enhanced matte paper. 

Fixxons film.
Platen Gap: Narrow.
Roll Paper Tension: Normal
Paper Suction: 0

Going to start fiddling with the roll paper tension and also turning off "remove skew", whatever that is.  Any advice appreciated.
We even get these issues on our 4880 at times. Especially on very tall artwork. What we do is we create crop marks that extend around the whole artwork. Apparently irregularities in film length is caused by areas in the artwork where there is no ink going down at all. The Epson printers skip these areas  at times too fast and create these irregularities in length. Now having crop marks extend around the whole artwork will put ink down over the whole length of the printable document and avoid any skipping.

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2016, 03:27:46 PM »
Can someone answer this question for me regarding this printer:

Can I use this for my films and easily change back to printing color proofs without issue? I share my epson with another department and they output color proofs for clients.

 I have been living off of a few settings I have adjusted on my current 7880. But I really need darker films.

Thanks for any insight on this.

If you run the Film Positive package from Epson, then yes.  That system uses Accurip + Epson Film + the OEM inks.   I have not tested their film using the OEM inks but the film appears to be very high quality and should run will if they have this system dialed in.

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2016, 03:39:11 PM »
So I've hit wall with a T3270 + Accurip Black Pearl issue. 

I'm getting films that are long or short without any pattern.  Two films in a set will be correct, one is stretched lengthwise, etc.  Major headache.

On the T3270 itself I did the paper feed adjust, detect paper thickness.   In Accurip I did the feed length adjust calibration to enhanced matte paper. 

Fixxons film.
Platen Gap: Narrow.
Roll Paper Tension: Normal
Paper Suction: 0

Going to start fiddling with the roll paper tension and also turning off "remove skew", whatever that is.  Any advice appreciated.
We even get these issues on our 4880 at times. Especially on very tall artwork. What we do is we create crop marks that extend around the whole artwork. Apparently irregularities in film length is caused by areas in the artwork where there is no ink going down at all. The Epson printers skip these areas  at times too fast and create these irregularities in length. Now having crop marks extend around the whole artwork will put ink down over the whole length of the printable document and avoid any skipping.

This is correct. 

To give an update, our printer is going back to Epson primarily due to this issue.  You can partially resolve it by printing a very thin line in registration color right at the edge of the artboard, forcing the print head to travel across each film in it's entirety.  Unfortunately, our issues appear to run deeper than the feed being off when the print head is not engaged.  Even printing that line down all films, we cannot use the last 1/4-1/3 of each roll of film as the registration is still off around 1/8" lengthwise and the printer starts spattering dots making even 1 color work not an option at the end of the roll.  Huge waste of film.  Additionally, even when using the aforementioned line, if we print out a job and say need to replace a film from the job it will not line up to the prior printed films no matter where we are on the roll, even using a fresh roll.   The issues repeat across all media including Epson's.

Despite a tech confirming the issue in the field and months of repetitive conversations with both Epson and Accurip Epson is maintaining that the printer has no hardware issue.  Both myself and Charlie from Accurip did a lot of work to confirm that our unit has a hardware problem.  We were also accidentally told by Epson tech services that it's a known issue on a number of units in the field and they are working on a firmware/hardware fix but they then reversed that saying it's not the case. 

If Epson is right and the unit does not have a hardware issue then I would avoid these units for outputting film positives, whether you use the OEM Epson package or not. 

If we are correct and our specific printer just has a hardware problem then I would exercise caution in purchasing this printer for film output.  Epson has been extremely unprofessional in handling this, trying to weasel out of the warranty coverage and generally slacking off and dragging this out.  I know others seem to be doing fine with theirs but it just might not be worth the potential hassle. 

Outside of this I still feel this printer could be (have been) the perfect film output machine, sad that we can't keep ours.

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2017, 04:22:59 PM »
Old thread resurrection-  how's everyone's T3270 running?

Offline cbjamel

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« Reply #50 on: October 26, 2017, 07:51:43 PM »
Old thread resurrection-  how's everyone's T3270 running?
Love mine running 700ml carts 2 black and 3 clean been alkost 2 years on the main 700ml and about to need new cart in December or January maybe. no major problems running xl version of cadlink rip. maybe i have been lucky?

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Offline Sbrem

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« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2017, 08:47:14 AM »
We're 10 months in, no problems. We are still running the Epson Photo Black on pigment based film, as I don't want to mess with the warranty, but I will probably switch over to dye based, like we did on our former 4800, and the 3800 that took it's place (still running daily).

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

Offline Maxie

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« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2017, 09:01:13 AM »
I’m happy with mine.
Using Accurip Black Pearl.
I had problems with the black UV Blocking dye We use in the 4880 drying up and I had to clean the black head all the time.     Since I changed the black no problems.
I have it set up with one black for film and CYMK for Sublimation.
With the Sublimation the inks don’t dry fast enough when we cut each page so we switched the automatic cutter off and we manually cut at the end of the printing.
Maxie Garb.
T Max Designs.
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Offline SteveS

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« Reply #53 on: December 13, 2017, 09:22:04 AM »
Our T3270 gets installed this week. Does anyone have any information on how we can wirelessly print to this printer? I know it does not have wireless connectivity but my question is...

Has anyone had any luck connecting the printer to a wireless bridge and then being able to print to it?

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2018, 06:35:57 PM »
So we ended up having to purchase another one of these.  Sad to report it has the same film length issues.  It's not endemic to earlier models.  If you are outputting art that has areas without data and the printer is feeding, check your films.  Ours do not align.

The fix- 0.0001 pt line on the side of the film nearest the print head, aligned to that edge of artboard.  We output "feet first" so that's a 0.0001pt line assigned to reg swatch aligned to right. 

This forces the print head to travel it's min distance across the film and keeps the feed consistent.

It slows down the output but it's the only way. 

I am going to reach out to the contact who bought back our prior unit a year ago and request that they update firmware/software for a "film" setting that forces the printer to feed at a set rate and not pass over open areas. 

Offline SteveS

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« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2018, 06:40:18 PM »
So we ended up having to purchase another one of these.  Sad to report it has the same film length issues.  It's not endemic to earlier models.  If you are outputting art that has areas without data and the printer is feeding, check your films.  Ours do not align.

The fix- 0.0001 pt line on the side of the film nearest the print head, aligned to that edge of artboard.  We output "feet first" so that's a 0.0001pt line assigned to reg swatch aligned to right. 

This forces the print head to travel it's min distance across the film and keeps the feed consistent.

It slows down the output but it's the only way. 

I am going to reach out to the contact who bought back our prior unit a year ago and request that they update firmware/software for a "film" setting that forces the printer to feed at a set rate and not pass over open areas.

I'm sorry to hear this. We're not having any issues. We set the paper type to heavy polyester and we're running smooth as butter. No alignment issues with unprinted spaces in the design either. What is your workflow like? Maybe it's something you're not thinking of. I'm just  thinking out loud....

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2018, 08:01:16 PM »
Same settings for paper.  AI > Accurip > T3270

What RIP do you have?

Offline islandtees

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« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2018, 08:48:48 PM »
It seems those with the cad link are not having problems. We have this printer and the cadlink filmmaker and have perfect registration.

Offline SteveS

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« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2018, 09:22:49 PM »
Same settings for paper.  AI > Accurip > T3270

What RIP do you have?

We’re CDR/AI to Accurip to T3270

We also never print a design rotated to 90 degrees either, if that makes a difference. Printer bought standalone from B&H Photo. Accurip BP latest version. Paper type set to heavy polyester in printer setup.

I’d be happy to share anything else you want to know.

If you have a design that gives you grief, I’d be happy to output it at our place just to see. something has to be different.

Offline ZooCity

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« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2018, 01:06:19 PM »
Thanks to both of you.  At this point I need to trial different rips- RTI resells a version of Harlequin and then the FilmMaker -and see if there is a difference, i.e., can the key line be removed?

Steve, I've done an incredibly thorough side by side with Charlie with AR when our first unit had this exact problem and we tried everything, down to loading identical film, and could not get one machine to repeat what ours was doing.

What film are all loading into these printers?  Fixxons here.  Trials of everything else exhibited the same issue in the past but just curious.