Author Topic: Illustrator dealing with gradients and expanding a clipping mask  (Read 5743 times)

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Illustrator dealing with gradients and expanding a clipping mask
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2015, 09:41:41 AM »
@Integrityshirts : So many ways to get the same result in Illy that it's probably mostly personal preference. I use the path>offset feature because of a history working with AutoCAD type programs and liked working that way. For trapping artwork it would be a few steps shorter than adding a stroke, expanding stroke, and subtracting stroke from the original shape. More notably, path>offset should be an easier process to record an action for.
The mitre setting for offset is the same as you have in the stroke path settings: round, mitre, bevel

Similarly regarding the gradient with clipping mask, my work flow would be to release the mask, and while still selected send it behind the gradient shape, add gradient to the selection and then use Pathfinder to get the overlapping shape (which should be the mask). The resulting shape should keep the original gradient intact. Although the gradient may need some tweaking to regain it's previous angle and spread, etc.
I've never been a fan of Flatten Transparency because I don't really understand how it gets the results, so I work through methods that I feel (for better or worse) I have control over.

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