Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I sometimes use the heat press to help fix/salvage bad prints. Usually hoodies with a rough print in the winter. The heat press has worked a lot of magic beyond it's regular call of duty to save me hind quarters on many of occasion. Today I printed a run of 50 tees with a large halftoned skeleton. I was very happy with the way they came out. I heat pressed one for the heck of it. It really improved the print. Smoother half tone blends, smoother print, nicer feel. Do any shops actually use the heat press for a tool to improve print quality even though it obviously adds time to the job? Or is this a band-aid that better technique should be improving? Don't read this the wrong way, our print quality is not bad. But we're also not going to be winning awards anytime soon.
Has anyone tried the ROQ integrated heat press?http://roqinternational.com/product/accessories/roqpress-iron/