Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
1 min retention on a 12' chamber is 12' per minute. ;)30 seconds is 24'
Quote from: Gilligan on January 13, 2016, 02:39:25 PM1 min retention on a 12' chamber is 12' per minute. ;)30 seconds is 24'Yup I get it, what matters is temp and how long its in the dryer. ;)
Not sure what our speed is since ours doesn't display belt speed. You simply tell it how long you want the shirt in the chamber.
Well, your post immediately followed a post by Jason, who was trying to help you out, with belt speeds. He didn't give retention time on each one... So to translate, you would need to do the math.Sorry, no trolling, just trying to be f*cking helpful... What the f*ck was I thinking.
My question is, how do you afford all this incredible new gear constantly? Can I have your formula?