Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
As the saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. Just buy the Kruzer. If you think $600 stings, wait until you're putting a deposit down on your first auto.
Thank you gentlemen for your replies and your time. I can seriously appreciate you taking time out of your hectic days, on a weekend no less, to respond here. I certainly did not expect the presidents of companies to be here! That is awesome.I hope that you understand that I am not trying to cheat the system or be a cheap skate. I operate a 1 (one) man sign business in north county San Diego. I offer screen printing to many of my customers because it's a great add on to any sign job. I have been searching for an excellent screen press that I can afford for some time. Over a year now, I have been researching, and only recently became aware of the Kruzer. My comments about the effort required to buy one, are not out of ignorance or lack of appreciation to the quality of your product or way you manage your companies per say. Mr. Walsh: If it is not too much trouble I will absolutely take you up on your offer and thank you very much. I have already drawn a check for deposit and will be sending that off to "Sandy" on Monday. I will contact you via PM about how to proceed. I cannot thank you enough. 244: I understand you are managing 100's of employees and that you DO have an amazing manufacturing process with attention to detail that is not surpassed by any press company I have researched. Your company builds the worlds fastest presses, so you are doing something VERY right. My suggestion for online sales is not based on patience or wanting to cut out your distributors. Everyone of your distributors can benefit from optimizing the user interface on their sites. If they refuse tio do that then I only suggested that you may want to do it yourself if only for the small presses. My suggestion does not come from me as a consumer, but me as a online retailer too. Besides my sign company I also operate an online store that has already surpassed $200,000.00 in sales this year. My customers ( and I am sure most) do not want to jump hurdles when making purchases. In fact if it becomes too complicated most will go elsewhere. It is just the nature of the beast. Not my preference. So if you want to make a lot of sales of these presses to offset the small margin, make it as easy as possible to buy. That's all I am saying.To mooseman: I agree with you. BUT I also have my margins and costs completely in the foreground of all my relationships with my customers. My attitude is to make as much profit as I can on each customer I can and to treat each customer with honesty and respect. Of course there are exceptions. The bottom line is I am in this to make money. Hopefully friends too. My business is successful today because I watch every penny I can and make the best product I can. If spending gets out of control then the business makes no money and dies. So I am careful always because I am still pretty small.I do not understand how people can say "you have to spend money to make money". That's a vague statement if there ever was one and pretty much useless.
I just checked and there is a Kruzer in our Oceanside advertising department you can pick up Monday morning. We shipped it there for the assembly video. If you are interested let Peter Walsh know and he can issue us a p.o. For your pickup.
This is cool and all. But it's Monday now, is he printing on it yet? :o