Author Topic: Big shout out to Winston (californiadreamin) and alan802 for helping us setup  (Read 1283 times)

Offline canucklehead

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Big shout out to this forum and amazing folks lurking in here. Thanks to this forum we found Winston (californiadreamin) who came to our humble shop on Vancouver Island and helped to install our equipment. He resurrected beat up Ray Paul dryer from a pile of scrap metal and installed our RPM auto press. Also big thanks to alan802  for his advice and support. To our amazement everything works and we were very excited about our first major run today which was a success.
We cannot recommend Winston enough, he really knows his stuff and it shows.

Hats off to all of you and hopefully we will see you at ISS Long Beach.
Marija, Trevor and Jayson.

See the pic of califoniadreaming doing his magic at our shop.

Offline TCT

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Winston really is a great guy!

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline californiadreamin

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Big shout out to this forum and amazing folks lurking in here. Thanks to this forum we found Winston (californiadreamin) who came to our humble shop on Vancouver Island and helped to install our equipment. He resurrected beat up Ray Paul dryer from a pile of scrap metal and installed our RPM auto press. Also big thanks to alan802  for his advice and support. To our amazement everything works and we were very excited about our first major run today which was a success.
We cannot recommend Winston enough, he really knows his stuff and it shows.

Hats off to all of you and hopefully we will see you at ISS Long Beach.
Marija, Trevor and Jayson.

See the pic of califoniadreaming doing his magic at our shop.

Yes! He is the Hansom One.
Thanks for the kind words. Everything works! What can I say , sometimes I get Lucky!
Like Marija says " easy peasy".
Alan802 Was a Great Help. Can't wait to meet the dude! I enjoy his thought process.
Ray Paul Ovens are like the AK-47's of Dryers. They are Simple, Indestructible, Very Effective.
As Far as RPM/2m machines, I have installed more than a few, and am amazed on how simple, well built, well thought out
These presses are, and their operational features. And with that being said, what piss poor marketing, service, and general support
they have. IMHO they are the best bang for the buck, well built press out there. A printers press. Go Figure! Sad.
These guys have never printed with any automatic and with only one day of instruction, printed in my book, a not so easy job.
There first "real" job. a 7 color sim process! WOW They had no idea they couldn't. I said why don't you print a simpler job? They
Said Why Not? OK. Maybe they will post a pic. I would but I haven't learned how to attach pics on this forum yet. It blew my mind
for a first attempt. smart Guys!

Offline mk162

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what year is the RPM?  You will like the machine.  It's been a great press for us.