Author Topic: ISS Fort Worth next week  (Read 6844 times)

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2015, 06:07:05 PM »
We'll be there with our best exhibit ever. I look forward to seeing our TSB friends next week.

woah yes! excited to meet you!
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2015, 08:37:23 AM »
We'll be there with our best exhibit ever. I look forward to seeing our TSB friends next week.

woah yes! excited to meet you!

Me too Eric!

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2015, 08:25:37 AM »
Had a bit of trouble walking the show yesterday after my seminar presentations due to the crowds in the aisles, love to see that.

I am usually so programed at trade shows I don't have time to shop and learn but I scheduled a couple of hours yesterday just for that.

Touched  base with Danny Gruninger and this guy is a quiet dynamo.  Very soft spoken but a wealth of knowledge.  He and I briefly discussed his change from blue to green and while I don't quite agree with all aspects I concede it was a good choice for him.

Lots of conversation with printers as I walked across the floor and I made the time to spend 20 minutes with Aaron Montgomery to get the FYI on white toner digital transfers.  Another tool for full color low volume decorated apparel that will continue to evolve.

I will be presenting today on Production Loop Analysis in your shop and how to identify and eliminate bottlenecks at 10:30 AM and at 1 PM I will be presenting about how to sell what you decorate with an emphasis on DTG as a sampling tool, if you are in one of the sessions make sure and say hi.

At 4 PM  I will be in the Impression booth on the back aisle with the 2 Regular Guys  doing their Friday webcast as we talk about everything in decorated apparel and lots of other things too.  Join us for some great meet and greet networking.

Still issuing an invite to TSB members who may want to join Deborah Sexton and I for dinner at 5:30 PM before the Friday night dinner crowds develop, email me at if you would like to join us.

Have a great ISS show if you're in FW, if not why are you reading this instead of printing  ;D


Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2015, 10:00:24 AM »

I will be presenting today on Production Loop Analysis in your shop and how to identify and eliminate bottlenecks at 10:30 AM and at 1 PM I will be presenting about how to sell what you decorate with an emphasis on DTG as a sampling tool, if you are in one of the sessions make sure and say hi.

ahhhhh i wanted to go to this class so much, but this week was not in the cards. I'll be up there tomorrow. really excited to meet Danny, and really excited to meet Erik as well!
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

Offline Orion

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2015, 10:49:11 AM »
Denver Print House took home some awards, very well deserved awards.

It was a pleasure to visit with Danny a little bit. They do some outstanding printing! Looks like ISS Fort Worth pulled in a lot of visitors this year. I hope the vendors here on the boards had a very successful show.

p.s. Forgot to mention CCI is launching an RFU series for waterbase/discharge inks, that should simplify ink mixing.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2015, 11:03:48 AM by Orion »
Dale Hoyal

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2015, 11:58:36 AM »
I hate how they don't post pics on the site :/

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2015, 12:02:35 PM »
we went on saturday, and we were there from about 11am until 230pm. I felt like everyone was really tired, and that there was more people on saturday last year. but i could be wrong!
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #22 on: October 19, 2015, 01:21:57 PM »
Hey TSB guys and gals, I had a PM request for information on how to purchase the recording of the ISS seminars and thought I would throw it out here also.

Great way to share an ISS show with your team and reinforce that new ideas can make life easier in your shop.

Greg Kitson
Mind's Eye Graphics Inc.

Offline alan802

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #23 on: October 19, 2015, 01:42:02 PM »
I was there all day Friday, but still only managed to walk about 50% of the floor but only look at about 25% of it.  I spent an hour at the M&R booth where Rich very graciously spent most of that time with Joe Clarke and I.  I got to spend some time with Danny at the Sroque booth and got to see some of those prints we see on the thread here in person and they are very much as top quality as you can get.  ALL of the guys at the Sroque booth were great and it was a pleasure getting to meet Danny in person and talk about the auto he was running like a freaking BOSS!  Bobby and Isaac with team green are always nice to hang out with and the green booth was very welcoming and treated me great.  Actually, maybe it was because I was walking the floor with Joe Clarke that we were treated so well :), just kidding, kind of, but mostly kidding.  But you guys know how it can be at a trade show when guys get really tired of doing the routine and can "mail it in" and it was Friday but there were only 2 or 3 people out of about 100 that I spoke with that didn't want to be there.  I was also able to see the Sroque YOU up close and got to see the registration system being used.  I've always been a big fan of the pin system but I think the U clamping system Sroque is using will give more accurate results.  It's essentially the same system as what we've done with our modified Triloc where the only downfall is having to take the pallet jig on and off the press but since you no longer have to worry about if you "zeroed" out all of the print heads correctly I think it's a better way.  I got to see another system like ours to reinforce what I've known for a long time about how our registration system and our results really aren't an anomaly and can be duplicated in other forms as long as it's done correctly.  I'd encourage many others who have a registration system but aren't getting the results that they want to do what we've done, or better yet, build it to mimic the Sroque system.  There is no better feeling than doing that first test print on a 6 color job and having the registration marks of all 6 colors on top of each other so accurately that you can't tell what colors you're printing.  That should not be something so rare that you don't think it exists.  It's possible if you want it.

I got an in depth look at some of the newer features on the Gauntlet 3.  M&R tech Scott (Mike F, he was on your install recently and I think Scott's last name is Bale but I can't recall and don't want to butcher it up too bad publicly) was awesome and we talked a lot about the G3.   

The MHM booth had a Kornit integrated into the X-type they had on the floor.  I really, really like the X-type, it's by far the fastest indexing machine I've seen besides the record breaking CH3, and the only other touchscreen control panel that I think competes with the MHM is the Workhorse Sabre's.  The MHM has been around long enough that they've refined it to the point that it's almost as perfect as it can get.  I think the MHM is such a solid machine that it really pains me to hear some of the negatives about press downtime, parts availability and part delivery waiting.

Now to the last 15 minutes Joe and I were walking the floor.  I stopped by a booth where a Sabre was printing and got some one-on-two time with a guy named Tyler that I think works directly for Workhorse.  I can't speak more highly about the Sabre's operating system.  I was so impressed by it's features that I can't stop thinking about how I could use some of those features here at SRI.  I love having the portal where you can upload a design, the image, all of the job's specs and then send that info directly to the press so that your operator can see an HD picture of exactly what he/she is going to be printing and also have info like squeegee duro, angle, pressure, mesh count, PMS color, etc right there at his fingertips.  Most of the other machines have similar features besides the Workhorse portal feature, but if something similar to what I saw with the Sabre exists on any of the other autos it wasn't shown to me. 

Some of the additions that Rich told me about on the G3 were really nice, and they had to do with tracking production and would come in handy with pricing and if you had multiple autos those features would really shine since you could track one machine versus another.  You could also track and keep up with production from off-site which I know I would use to the point of obsession I'm sure. 

I know I'm not the only one that has said this, and there was some talk of it last year after I saw the Sabre, but I think if Workhorse doesn't put the operating program of the Sabre onto the Falcon and do it quickly they clearly have lost their minds.  It's such a great system and last year the Falcon that was at the Ft Worth show was the smoothest and by far the quietest auto on the floor so pairing those up together would automatically give Workhorse a high-end auto that is, mechanically speaking, an absolute tank.  On top of it being one of the most robust machines on the market you could give it the brains and features that exist on machines like the MHM S-type, G3, CH3 and Sroque ECO.  I don't claim to understand how much time and money it would take to give the Falcon the Sabre's brains, but I would think that it wouldn't be as difficult as it was to build the Sabre from the ground up.

Next up, there was an Anatol Volt there...but for some reason I didn't get to talk with anyone at that booth and watched the machine indexing for a few minutes.  It was quiet, pretty smooth too but I didn't get a walk-through with anyone so I can't really speak much about it. 

It was good to see a few suppliers that I haven't seen in a while and talk shop with the GSG guys and Mitch at Lee's Screen Supply in Houston.  I'm going to refocus our discharge efforts now that I know Lee's Screen carries the Sericol Texcharge and has all the colors in stock.

I do have some more notes and comments about the show but I need to get back to work.  Oh, I got to see my boy DONNIE DOO!!!  Donnie Miller, a fellow TSB'er was there and it's been a few years since I've seen him at a show but it was really good to get to chat with Donnie again and see he's trucking along.
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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #24 on: October 19, 2015, 02:00:49 PM »
Alan:  Thanks for teh kick-ass complete report
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
Office 847-410-3445 / Cell 913-579-6662

Offline tonyt79

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2015, 11:16:27 AM »
Being in the market for an auto it was great to see them all in person. Last year I had to miss ISS and the other shows just dont have as many to look at. I got to speak with Danny about the Roq machines and was very impressed with there set up. I was on a time crunch so I did not get to spend much time at M&R due to it being very crowded around the machines. The Sabre was up and running at a few booths so it was nice to speak with multiple operations about the press. The one thing that really dissapointed was the Anatol Volt was not Printing, only indexing. It was set up but was told they had bad ink so it was not going to print till later in the afternoon. It was loaded with shirts and a screen, so the shirts were ghosting from the ink on the screen. Really did not look good and left a bad taste for me on that machine. So atleast I think I have removed one press from my list of ones I am interested in.

Offline alan802

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2015, 12:13:24 PM »
Being in the market for an auto it was great to see them all in person. Last year I had to miss ISS and the other shows just dont have as many to look at. I got to speak with Danny about the Roq machines and was very impressed with there set up. I was on a time crunch so I did not get to spend much time at M&R due to it being very crowded around the machines. The Sabre was up and running at a few booths so it was nice to speak with multiple operations about the press. The one thing that really dissapointed was the Anatol Volt was not Printing, only indexing. It was set up but was told they had bad ink so it was not going to print till later in the afternoon. It was loaded with shirts and a screen, so the shirts were ghosting from the ink on the screen. Really did not look good and left a bad taste for me on that machine. So atleast I think I have removed one press from my list of ones I am interested in.

Bad ink?  It was a trade show with tons of textile screen printing supplies on hand so I really hope that didn't slow them down for more than about 5 minutes.
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it -T.J.
Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it -T.P.

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2015, 12:34:35 PM »
Being in the market for an auto it was great to see them all in person. Last year I had to miss ISS and the other shows just dont have as many to look at. I got to speak with Danny about the Roq machines and was very impressed with there set up. I was on a time crunch so I did not get to spend much time at M&R due to it being very crowded around the machines. The Sabre was up and running at a few booths so it was nice to speak with multiple operations about the press. The one thing that really dissapointed was the Anatol Volt was not Printing, only indexing. It was set up but was told they had bad ink so it was not going to print till later in the afternoon. It was loaded with shirts and a screen, so the shirts were ghosting from the ink on the screen. Really did not look good and left a bad taste for me on that machine. So atleast I think I have removed one press from my list of ones I am interested in.

Bad ink?  It was a trade show with tons of textile screen printing supplies on hand so I really hope that didn't slow them down for more than about 5 minutes.
That's exactly what my wife said to them

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Re: ISS Fort Worth next week
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2015, 09:59:07 PM »
"Bad ink" sounds legit... Especially since it was probably plastisol! :-[

Nice review Alan! Got an idea for you, head to ISS Long Beach and have everyone that can't make it pay you $20 for your review! It would pay for your trip! I know I probably would of paid you at least $50 for your opinion/review you gave me. Out of anyone I can think of you probably give the most unbiased opinion/review out there!

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...