Now that we have some silicon inks at our shop and tried it on a couple of smaller left breast prints we thought we might give it a shot on a big center front chest print. 150-S mesh. Ran right away into some trouble. Print onto the garments left a serious deposit of ink on the pallets which then transferred ink back to the inside of the dry fit tee while pulling it off the pallet. As it seems this is almost unavoidable to have ink on the inside of the garment. As a matter of fact we even had ink on the inside of the opposite side of the garment to where the print was after we put it on the dryer belt. Obviously it was from both inside sides touching while being on the dryer belt. Is there some sort of work around. We added 4% catalyst to the ink. Flashin the print before pulling it off the pallet would take too long and would still leave the pallet wet. I think it took us over 8 secs at 1000F to get that layer of ink on the pallet slightly touch dry.