Author Topic: Shirt Monster Gains National Exposure Via Webstore For Million Man March  (Read 816 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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On Oct. 10, 2015, at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., the Honorable Minister Louis Farrahkhan will convene the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March under the theme: Justice or Else! ( (The first Million Man March was a gathering of African-American men in Washington, D.C. on October 16, 1995.)

The movement’s mission is to take steps to end police brutality and mob attacks as well as establish equality for Native American Indians, Mexicans, Latinos, blacks, women, veterans and the poor.

The Shirt Monster, Chicago, Ill., expects to attract national exposure as the host of the official Justice or Else! merchandise webstore, which is powered by InkSoft. Located at, products include apparel as well as back packs, pens, drink bottles and mugs. The webstore link is under the merchandise tab on the home page of Justice or Else!

For more information, contact InkSoft at (800) 410-3048; email: or visit the website at