What equipment do you have running smoothly on 400a? Two autos or one?
Major equipment off the top of my head:
12/14 all electric/servo Challenger Falcon
18" x 22" Quartz Flash
18" x 28" Quartz Flash
(both converted from 3ph. to single phase, easily, with almost zero parts needed, after being repeatedly told it wasn't possible, like there are 3ph lightbulbs or something... running for many years now with no problems)
M&R Heatwave dryer (primarily gas, but a big electric blower)
7.5hp 30cfm@100psi compressor
24" x 14' Hix all electric conveyor dryer
2 pad printers (primarily pneumatic)
2 hix heat presses
8000 watt exposure light and 6' x 4' vacuum frame
3000 watt nuarc fliptop exp. unit
Stihl pressure washer
vinyl cutter
Central Air along with large 2-piece aux. unit.
2 portable swamp coolers
Table saw
Drill press
bench grinder etc.
3000 sq.ft. of fluorescent lighting, computers, fridge, microwave, coffee maker and all the other normal stuff plugged into all the outlets.