General > Introduction
Hi! My name is Boris
I'm running small Printshop in Slovenia, according to Don's classification.
We print on two automatic TAS presses and one automatic flat bed machine for heat transfers. We do have one 6 head Embroidery machine and Kornit 932 for DTG. We are 25 people currently, and do around 1 mil prints per year.
I'm proud of our heat transfers, which I believe are world class, not so much on our direct printing. We produce average results here. We stall for last ten years, as I spend most of my time running business not playing around and developing technology. Of course i buy all the latest available technology to overcome that, but the final touch is given by enthusiastic, curios and passionate individuals. And these i fail to find and employ.
Our biggest strength is that with all available technology we can decorate pretty much any textile that serves promotional business, we never miss a deadline, very rarely do mistakes of any kind, and this makes us popular choice and secures continuous growth of 10-15 p.a..
I never had any other job but this which started 20 years ago as poor student's living source in disintegrating country-Yugoslavia.
On forums I'm mostly just lurking, helping out when not so basic questions regarding transfers are asked.
I hope this forums grows through quality discussions and shared advanced information into "where pro's meet". The fact that excellent printer started it is definitely pointing in right direction.
Howdy Boris
I recognized your name (from the time that your were active, and not lurking) from another forum.
I specifically included a heat seal category here, and do remember in the past, that questions about plastisol transfer did pop up occasionally.
I hope that folks here are able to glean some of this specialized info from you, and that you find the site helpful as well.
Denis Kolar:
Dobro dosao :)
blue moon:
dobro nam dosli!
Thanks for kind words!
@ bluemoon & DK Graphics. It's small (mostly harmless :)) planet afterall. The fact that you are both from ex Yugoslavia gave me an idea. I'll PM you about it.
I will try to contribute but limited to heat transfers only. I suck at other stuff.
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