Author Topic: Green Galaxy Pigments and "Booster"  (Read 1228 times)

Offline ZooCity

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Green Galaxy Pigments and "Booster"
« on: August 08, 2015, 09:19:40 PM »
I have a project where we need a real hot, dayglo looking WB red.  We're probably going to just mix this one with our Rutland WB-99 set but I did a little browsing around for fluro wb inks and found these Green Galaxy boosters.

The only info on them is on the ryonet page and for all the videos on that site it's hard to find actual tech data.  They appear to be either RFU or perhaps a balanced mix system component like Wilflex Equalizers: high pig load inks that get added to formula mixes.  It kind of appears like they have a regular WB PC system for Green Galaxy and then maybe these boosters are dry flake RFUs that can step in where the regular PCs can't hack certain colors.  I really can't tell from the info on there.  I would email Bobby and ask but figured it might help others to put some info on here.

Has anyone used the boosters and know if they are OK to print as an RFU?  If these are akin to equalizers then I don't think you'd want to print them on their own, maybe with some HSA base if that was the situation.

PS- we have a couple quarts of GG in here to test but haven't yet, all our HSA printing is currently Rutland so any comments on this WB/HSA system overall are welcome too. 

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: Green Galaxy Pigments and "Booster"
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2015, 01:06:34 PM »
just emailed you
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