Author Topic: BITO Offers New Pulsating Laser Heads  (Read 1213 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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BITO Offers New Pulsating Laser Heads
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:54:02 PM »
Now, the Proel line of galvanometic lasers can be made even more powerful with the addition of a pulsating laser. This new, stronger laser can be used with the LaserBridge, Spartacus, or Niagara laser-cutting machines to cleanly cut through a wide range of extremely dense materials including leather. 

As a result of an engineering breakthrough by Proel, this more powerful laser can perforate holes to a depth of 0.1 mm at extremely high speeds and with great accuracy. This capability opens the doors to a range of fashion applications for apparel and leather products such as shoes and handbags.

With a much greater degree of control than a less-powerful laser, a pulsating laser eliminates scorching and torching issues. It cuts cleanly through leather, because it literally evaporates the carbonized edges. This capability makes it possible to capitalize on opportunities to perforate and decorate all types of colored leather products with beautiful, intricate designs.

When paired with the Niagara laser cutter, the laser head can be raised or lowered to accommodate a variety of substrates allowing you to control the work area. Depending on the application, you may want to raise it to mark or engrave a pair of denim jeans or lower it to perforate a floral pattern on a pair of shoes.

If your shop has a need for a heavy-duty laser to cut leather or other dense materials, a pulsating laser may be the right solution for your business. It can be ordered as an option with any of the company’s line of galvanometic lasers.

For more information, contact BITO at 866-BITO-USA (866-248-687); e-mail: or visit the Web site at Check out the E-Laser in action on Youtube at
. For a video of the cap option at
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